The importance of drinking living water – ionized water:
The importance every day is to be informed of everything we carry and expose to our physical, mental and emotional bodies. The importance of knowing the real processes behind everything that comes to us and providing us with life and not toxics

Modern water treatments:
Because public water is not treated with the care required to keep water pulsating and alive, it degenerates, attracting pathogenic organisms. As a result, the authorities routinely treat it with chlorine to prevent the threat to the community of waterborne diseases. This powerful disinfectant removes all types of bacteria, beneficial and harmful alike, and in doing so, over a long period of time, destroys or seriously weakens many of the immune-enhancing microorganisms in the body. It is a major contributor to lowered immune resistance in older people. Medical authorities say that the amount of chlorine is so small that it could not do this, but they fail to take into account that the chlorine accumulates in the fatty tissue of the body, so that the dosage is cumulative, nor that there is a homeopathic action that amplifies the effect on the body.
Those of us who live in cities and are forced year-in and year-out to drink sterilized water should seriously consider the fate of that ‘organism’ whose naturally-ordained ability to create life has been forcibly removed by chemical compounds. Sterilized and physically-destroyed water not only brings about physical decay but also gives rise to mental deterioration and hence to the systematic degeneration of humanity and other life-forms.
The issue of adding fluorosilicates (fluoride) routinely to drinking water is one of the worst outrages in public health policy. This is not the naturally occurring calcium fluoride that is present in some drinking water, usually at low levels of about 0. l ppm (parts per million). It is a by-product of a number of industrial processes, initially he iron, copper, aluminum and now the phosphate fertilizer industries, and contains also a number of heavy metals; altogether a potent toxic cocktail, the disposal of which would be costly by current environmental standards.
The solution to this problem of industrial waste disposal was to arrange for their addition to public water supplies. The addition of fluoride as a policy is justified by the claim that it reduces dental cavities, especially in children. Independent research actually proves otherwise and shows that the body accumulates levels of fluoride in the bones and certain organs, and there is evidence of increased risk of cancer, brain function impairment, kidney malfunction, and premature aging. At higher dosages, fluorosilicates are an effective rat poison. Unfortunately, fluoride is also added to many processed foods, fruit juice, milk and, especially toothpaste. Fluoride is released into food cooked in Teflon-coated cookware, so the actual intake may be significant, even if you don’t live in a fluoridated area. For reasons that are difficult to comprehend, but which are clearly political in nature, many dental and health authorities seem to support this mass medication of whole populations, and politicians seem happy to go along with it.
If we have any common sense remaining, we should refuse to continue to drink water prepared in this way. The alternative would be degeneration into cancer-prone, mentally and physically decrepit, physically and morally inferior individuals.
Resource: From the book: Foreword by David Bellamy. HIDDEN NATURE. The startling Insights of Victor Schauberger.
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